Laxmangarh Fort

Location of Laxmangarh Fort, History of Laxmangarh Fort, Architecture of Laxmangarh Fort, Visiting hours in the Fort.

Location of Laxmangarh Fort:

This Fort is situated on National Highway 11 at a distance of 30 Km North of Sikar City in town Laxmangarh, District Sikar, Rajasthan.

History of the Fort:

It was constructed in the year 1862 A.D. by Rao Raja Laxman Singh of Sikar, a Jagirdar of Sikar. He built this Fort after Kan Singh Saledhi besieged the prosperous town. It was constructed to protect the town from onslaughts of neighbouring Rajput Rajas.

Architecture of the Fort:

It is the most impressive building of the town and is an exceptional piece of Fort architecture in the entire World as it is built upon scattered pieces of big rocks.

Visiting Hours in the Fort:

The Fort has now become a private property which is closed to the public. The tourists can however climb up the ramp before the main entrance to reach the Temple and have a view of the town.

Image - Laxmangarh Fort

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Laxmangarh Fort