
Location of Mandore, History & Attractions of Mandore.

Location of Mandore:

This ancient City is located 8 Km. North of Jodhpur City, District Jodhpur, Rajasthan.


It was the Capital of the Pratihara dynasty rulers from 6th Century A.D. until the late 14th Century when it was given in dowry to Rathore rulers. It remained the Capital of Rathore rulers until 1459 A.D. when the Capital was shifted to the newly founded City of Jodhpur.


The major attractions here are:

  • The ruins of ancient Manodre Fort having parts of thick wall which once surrounded this huge architectural marvel. It also has ruins of an ancient Temple.
  • The Mandore Gardens which enclose high rock terraces, the royal cenotaphs of the erstwhile rulers of Marwar out of which the cenotaph of Maharaja Ajit Singh which was built in 1793 A.D. is most beautiful, the hall of heroes having 16 huge figures carved out of a single rock depicting popular Hindu and folk deities, the shrine of 330 million Gods and a Government Museum where various artifacts and statues found in the area are displayed.

Image - Mandore

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