
Location of Ratannagar, History of Ratannagar, Attractions of Ratannagar.


This Town is located at a distance of 11 Km from Churu City, District Churu, Rajasthan.


This town is said to have been built and developed in 1860 A.D. by Seth Nand Ram Kedia from Bissau and is named after Raja Ratan Singh, the ruler of Bikaner.


The Town is named as ‘Mini Jaipur’ for its excellent planned development. It has wide pathways crossing one another at 90º angle and proper drainage system. At every roundabout, there is a beautiful circular tree stand. The beautiful gardens and finely ornamented palatial havelis in a sequential row give an exciting and heritage look.

The main havelis are :

  • Champalal Sohanlal Hiralal Hirawat haveli
  • Bilas Rai Arjundas Kedia haveli
  • Chandi Prasad Kedia haveli
  • Laxminarayan Chandgothia haveli
  • Ganga Prasad Chandgothia haveli
  • Hari Charan, Dwarka Das and Basudev gadodia haveli
  • Mool Chand Poddar haveli and Jalan haveli

The Raghunathji, Laxminarayanji and Chandgothia Temples are adorned with beautiful wall paintings. The paintings in Godia ‘Chhatri’ is also worth seeing. The nearby Ratannagar forest is a habitat to many wild animals.

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