Temple Shri Jagannath Rai Ji

Location of Temple Shri Jagannath Rai Ji, History of Temple Shri Jagannath Rai Ji, Architecture of Temple Shri Jagannath Rai Ji, Visiting hours in Temple Shri Jagannath Rai Ji.

Location of Temple Shri Jagannath Rai Ji:

This Temple is also known as Jagdish Temple and is situated at a distance of 4 Km from Udaipur Railway Station, 150 meters North of City Palace Complex, at the heart of Udaipur City, District Udaipur, Rajasthan.

History of Temple Shri Jagannath Rai Ji:

It is dedicated to Lord Vishnu also known by the name of Lord Jagannath Ji.

It’s said that during a hunting expedition a Sage gave a tablet to Maharana Jagdish Singh I of Mewar and said that if he liked he could fly in the sky with the tablet in his mouth. Thereafter, the Maharana started go to Jagannathpuri every day to have a darshan of Jagdish Ji and come back. One day the Maharana got late and the Temple had been closed and the temple was not opened for 15 days as was the tradition. Then the King was instructed by Lord Jagdishji in his dreams to build a Temple in Udaipur where the deity said he would come. On returning, the Maharana built this Temple in 1652 A.D.

Architecture of Temple Shri Jagannath Rai Ji:

The Temple has been built of grayish marble, lime and mortar. This unique Temple is built very beautifully from the sculptural and the architectural point of view. It is 100 feet in height based on a 25 feet high platform and has 50 pillars with every pillar adorned with splendid work of sculpture. It is reachable by a flight of 32 marble steps, on either side of which, stands an elephant in stone. These elephants have been made by joining 11 stone blocks but the joints are never visible.

The prayer hall is octagonal in shape and its walls are decorated with statuettes depicting themes of various mythological stories. The Sanctum Sanctorum has the East-facing four-armed black stone idol of Lord Vishnu. It is 87 inches in height. The idols of Lord Krishna and Goddess Mahalakshmi are installed on the right side. The Temple also has an alloyed statue of Garudji which is perhaps the biggest in the World. There are four small shrines dedicated to Gauri Shankar, Lord Ganesha, Lord Surya and Goddess Shakti in the four corners of the Temple Complex.

Visiting Hours in Temple Shri Jagannath Rai Ji:

The Temple remains open on all days from 4.00 A.M. to 10.00 P.M.

Image - Temple Shri Jagannath Rai Ji

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Temple Shri Jagannath Rai Ji