Ghanta Ghar Tonk

Location of Ghanta Ghar Tonk, History of Ghanta Ghar Tonk.

Location of Ghanta Ghar:

This Historical monument is located in Tonk City, District Tonk, Rajasthan.

History of Ghanta Ghar:

It was built in 1937 A.D. by Mohammad Sadat Ali Khan, the Nawab of Tonk. According to local History, an epidemic of Cholera broke out in Tonk in the year 1936 A.D. The Nawab Sadat Ali Khan served his citizens by personally distributing medicines from door to door. The public appreciated his generosity and presented money to him which was used by the Nawab to build this monument.

Image - Ghanta Ghar Tonk

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Ghanta Ghar Tonk