Sun Temple of Varman

Location of Sun Temple of Varman, History of Sun Temple of Varman, Architecture of Sun Temple of Varman.

Location of Sun Temple of Varman:

This ancient Temple is situated at a distance of 45 Km from Aburoad Railway Station, 3 Km from Reodar town and 5 Km from Village Jirawal in Village Varman, District Sirohi, Rajasthan.

History of Sun Temple of Varman:

It is dedicated to Lord Sun or Surya Narayana.

This is one of the most famous Temples in India and is also known as Brahman-Svamin. It is believed to have been built in the 7th Century A.D. An inscription of 1019 A.D. mentions that one Sohapa gifted two fields to the Temple. It was partially destroyed in 1025 A.D. by invader Mahmud Ghazni. It was renovated in 1042 A.D. by Nochaka, son of Sarama during the reign of Parmar King Puranapala.

Architecture of Sun Temple of Varman:

The Temple faces the East and consists of the Shrine, Sabhamandapa, Pradakshina and Porch. Its pillars bear inscriptions dating back to 7th Century A.D. The main shrine had a standing image of Sun. There are beautifully carved but partially damaged images of the Navgrahas and the 8 Dikpalas. The niche of the Sanctum has a pedestal sculptured in the form of a chariot drawn by seven steeds. The splendid finishing of carvings and extensive use of ornamentation illustrates the level of skill achieved by the Temple architects of ancient period.

The Village also has remains of old Temple tanks, wells, old residential buildings and other relics which indicate that it was a prosperous town in the past.

Image - Sun Temple of Varman

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Sun Temple of Varman