Chamatkar Ji Temple

Location of Chamatkar Ji Temple, History of Chamatkar Ji Temple, Architecture of Chamatkar Ji Temple, Visiting hours in Chamatkar Ji Temple.

Location of Chamatkar Ji Temple:

This Temple is situated on the main Road from City to Railway Station at a distance of 3 Km from Sawai Madhopur City, District Sawai Madhopur, Rajasthan.

History of Chamatkar Ji Temple:

It is dedicated to Jain Tirthankaras and is the most famous Jain Temple of the City.

It has been named Chamatkar Ji Temple because of many miracles (known as Chamatkar in Hindi) performed by the deity. It is said that a farmer in the year 1832 A.D. was instructed by God in his dreams to dug up a particular spot in his fields. Next day the farmer reached the spot and started digging the soil carefully. He found a crystal like shining idol of Lord Adinath, the 1st Tirthankar of Jains from that place. He heard the voice of ‘Jai Jai’ from the sky and also saw a shower of saffron on the idol. He started to worship the idol.

As the news spread, the people started to visit the place and pay homage. So the Jains decided to install the idol at Sawai Madhopur City, but the farmer wanted to keep the idol with himself. He became upset and started to weep continuously. Then the farmer was again instructed by God in his dreams to place the idol in a chariot and to see where the horse stops. He was told to build a Temple at that very place. Next morning, the idol was placed in a chariot, but it did not move despite the best efforts of the people. So a huge, magnificent and artistic Temple was built and the miraculous idol was installed.

Architecture of Chamatkar Ji Temple:

There are two altars in the Temple. In the front altar, a 1.3 feet high dark red stone idol of Lord Padmaprabhu (the 6th Tirthankar of Jains) in sitting posture is installed. Other artistic idols of Lord Chandraprabhu (the 8th Tirthankar of Jains), Panch Bal Yati (Lord Vasupujya, the 12th Tirthankar of Jains, Lord Malli Nath, the 19th Tirthankar of Jains, Lord Nemi Nath, the 22nd Tirthankar of Jains, Lord Parshavnath, the 23rd Tirthankar of Jains and Lord Mahavir Ji, the 24th Tirthankar of Jains and other Tirthankaras are also worth seeing here.

In the back, there is the second altar where Shri Chamatkarji’s idol is installed. It is 6 inches in height, is made of white quartz and is seated in Padmasana posture. Other ancient idols are also installed here. The top of the Sanctum has a beautiful spire. The devotees visit here to get their wishes fulfilled and some people have constructed umbrellas on the roof of the temple after the fulfillment of their desires.

The place from where the idol was recovered, an umbrella has been constructed there. The foot images are installed in this umbrella.

Visiting Hours in Chamatkar Ji Temple:

The Temple remains open on all days from 5.00 A.M. to 10.00 P.M.

Image - Chamatkar Ji Temple

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Chamatkar Ji Temple