Achaleshwar Mahadev Temple

Location of Achaleshwar Mahadev Temple, History of Achaleshwar Mahadev Temple, Architecture of Achaleshwar Mahadev Temple.

Location of Achaleshwar Mahadev Temple:

This ancient Temple is situated at a distance of 11 Km North of Mount Abu City, District Sirohi, Rajasthan.

History of Achaleshwar Mahadev Temple:

This Temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva. It is the place where Lord Shiva had placed his toe to stabilize mountain Nandi Vardhan, the son of Himalaya mountain. The toe is estimated to be going to the centre of the earth. This fact has been mentioned in Mahabharata, Mahapurana etc.

It is the only Temple on this earth where the Great toe of Lord Shiva is worshiped, while in all other Temples the Shiva Linga is worshiped. The Temple is considered to be more than 2500 years old.

Architecture of Achaleshwar Mahadev Temple:

This Temple is the masterpiece work of the artisans of the ancient period. The Sanctum Sanctorum is built with blocks of marble.

There is a 4 ton Panch Dhatu (made of five metals – gold, silver, copper, brass and zinc) idol of Nandi (the carrier of Lord Shiva) outside the Temple. It is said that once Muslim invaders attacked this Temple and the Panchdhatu Nandi released millions of bubble bees to attack the invaders and saved the Temple. The Temple also has a natural Shiva Linga and many other sculpted idols made of a crystal like stone. There are three stone buffaloes standing around a pond near the Temple.

A scenic lake known as Mandakini Lake is located nearby. It is surrounded by rocky hills and the rock walls have images of a King and buffaloes.

Image - Achaleshwar Mahadev Temple

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Achaleshwar Mahadev Temple