Sorsan Grasslands

Location of Sorsan Grasslands, Attractions of the Grasslands.

Location of Sorsan Grasslands:

These Grasslands are located at a distance of 45 Km East of Kota City by the side of the main canal of the Chambal and Parvan rivers in District Kota, Rajasthan.

Attractions of Sorsan Grasslands:

These are spread over an area of 35 Sq. Km. and become extremely rich with many species of insects during monsoons and attract a good variety of resident birds like Bulbuls, Chats, Drongos, Mynahs, Orioles, Partridges, Quails, Robins, Shrikes, Weavers and the rare Great Indian Bustard. During Winter season, the migratory birds like Flycatchers, Larks, Rosy Pastors, Starlings and Warblers visit here. The nearby canal attracts Bar-headed Waterfowl, Greylag Geese, Common Pochards, Common Teals and Pintails. So this place is a paradise for the bird watchers and those interested in watching and knowing about insects.

Image - Sorsan Grasslands

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Sorsan Grasslands