Alnea Rock Shelters

Location of Alnea Rock Shelters, Attractions of Alnea Rock-Shelters.

Location of Alnea Rock-Shelters:

These Rock shelters are located along the banks of river Alnea at a distance of 14 Km from Kota City, District Kota, Rajasthan.

Attractions of Alnea Rock-Shelters:

These house some prehistoric paintings and carvings on rocks made by using the ancient sharp tools made out of rocks and stones. These are based on ancient legendary stories. The rock carvings date back to the pre-historic era and were carved using stones and rocks. The picturesque surroundings further enhance the beauty of the place. There are beautiful rock paintings of the primeval humans and the alnia/ alania/ alnea dam here.

Image - Alnea Rock Shelters

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Alnea Rock Shelters