Shri Kaila Devi Ji Temple

Location of Shri Kaila Devi Ji Temple, History of the Temple, Architecture of the Temple, Visiting hours in the Temple.

Location of Shri Kaila Devi Ji Temple:

This Temple is situated at a distance of 25 Km South of Karauli City and 35 Km from Bharatpur Railway Station on the banks of Kalisil River in the hills of Trikut 2 Km Northwest of town Kaila Devi, District Karauli, Rajasthan.

History of Shri Kaila Devi Ji Temple:

This Temple is dedicated to Mata Kaila Devi Ji, an incarnation of Goddess Durga.

It was built in 1600 A.D. by King Shri Bhompal Ji, the king of Karauli. It is believed that the King was a great devotee of Mata Kaila Devi Ji. The Goddess Kaila Devi instructed him to build a Temple for her.

Architecture of Shri Kaila Devi Ji Temple:

The Temple is made of Red Karauli stone. It is a fine example of medieval architecture. The walls and pillars of the Temple are adorned with exquisite carvings. The Shikhar of the Temple is very high and is like pyramid. There are two idols made of stone in the sanctum sanctorum.

Visiting Hours in Shri Kaila Devi Ji Temple:

The Temple remains open on all days from 5.00 A. M. to 10.00 P.M.

Image - Shri Kaila Devi Ji Temple

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Shri Kaila Devi Ji Temple