Achal Nath Shivalaya

Location of Achal Nath Shivalaya, History of the Temple, Architecture of the Temple.

Location of Achal Nath Shivalaya:

This Temple is situated in Jodhpur City, District Jodhpur, Rajasthan.

History & Architecture of the Temple:

This Temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva. It was built by Nanak Devi, the Queen of Maharaja Rao Ganga of Jodhpur. The construction was completed on 21st May 1531. A large water reservoir known as Ganga Bawari is located near the Temple. The Sanctum Sanctorum, the Mandap and the Kirtan Bhawan of the Temple are made of carved Chhitar stone.

Image - Achal Nath Shivalaya

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Achal Nath Shivalaya