Ajeet Sagar

Location of Ajeet Sagar, History & Attractions of the Lake.

Location of the Lake:

This large artificial Lake is located at a distance of 72 Km from Jhunjhunu City on the outskirts of town Khetri, District Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan. Also known as Ajit Sagar Lake, it is built at the farthest northern corner of Jhunjhunu.

History & Attractions of the Lake:

It was constructed by Raja Ajit Singh Shekhawat and is visited by Barah Singhas (the Swamp Deer), Wild Boars and migratory birds. The beautifully built lake tells us the level of capabilities and imagination the people of golden old days had. The seldom drying lake get it’s water from the rains. The lake running down at the sides of Moda Pahar, is raw nature beauty at it’s very best. At each corner of the lake, there is a classical construction of pillars, with exquisite murals and paintings at the boom of the domes.

Image - Ajeet Sagar

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Ajeet Sagar