Jain Swetambar Nageshwar Parshvanath Temple

Location of Jain Swetambar Nageshwar Parshvanath Temple, History of Jain Swetambar Nageshwar Parshvanath Temple, Architecture of Jain Swetambar Nageshwar Parshvanath Temple.

Location of Jain Swetambar Nageshwar Parshvanath Temple:

This ancient Temple is situated at a distance of 150 Km from Jhalawar City and 14 Km from Chaumahala Railway Station near town Nagda in Village Unhel of Tehsil Gangdhar, District Jhalawar, Rajasthan.

History of Jain Swetambar Nageshwar Parshvanath Temple:

This Temple is dedicated to Lord Nageshwar Parshavnath, the 23rd Tirthankar of Jains.

It is believed that about 2900 years ago, Parshav Kumar renounced the World and went for meditation in the Koustubh forest area of Varanasi. Then Kamatha tried hard to disturb his concentration by heavy rains. At the same time, Dharnendra Dev reached there and provided shelter to Parshav Kumar with hoods as of a cobra snake for continuous three days. After completion of the meditation, Lord Parshavnath moved somewhere else and Dharnendra Dev crafted the life size statue of Lord with snake’s hood and installed it at the same place where Lord had meditated.

When the town fell in ruins, the angels brought this statue to Unhel village at it’s present site. The King Ajeetsen and Queen Padmavati of Unhel built a huge Jain Temple and installed the statue there in. Thereafter, the Temple underwent destruction and reconstruction for many times. It was again renovated in 1207 A.D. The present renovation was done by Seth Deepchand Jain under instructions of Shri Dharmsagarji Maharaj and Shri Abhaysagarji Maharaj.

Architecture of Jain Swetambar Nageshwar Parshvanath Temple:

The Temple is built of marble. It has has a 14 feet high life size statue of Lord Parshavnath in standing posture. The statue is green colored, is made of granite sand stone and is said to be about 2850 years old. The idols of Lord Shantinath, Lord Mahavir, Shri Manibhadra Vira and Shri Padmavati Devi are also installed here.

The Temple provides excellent accommodation and meals at the Dharmshala (inn) built for religious tourists.

Image - Jain Swetambar Nageshwar Parshvanath Temple

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Jain Swetambar Nageshwar Parshvanath Temple