Government Museum Jhalawar

Location of Government Museum Jhalawar, History of Government Museum Jhalawar, Attractions of Government Museum Jhalawar.

Location of the Museum:

It is one of the oldest Museums in the State of Rajasthan and is located outside Jhalawar Fort in Jhalawar City, District Jhalawar, Rajasthan.

History & Attractions of the Museum:

It was established in the year 1915 and houses rare manuscripts, coins, paintings, sculptures and some inscriptions dating back to the 5th and 7th Century A.D. The statues of Gods and Goddesses displayed here have been recovered from various ruins and are the most prized possession of the Museum. The statue of ‘Ardhnarishvara Natraj’ was displayed in Moscow during the Festival of India Celebrations.

Visiting Hours in the Museum:

The Museum remains open on all days except Fridays from 10.00 A.M. to 4.00 P.M.

Image - Government Museum Jhalawar

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Government Museum Jhalawar