Jaisalmer Folklore Museum

Location of Jaisalmer Folklore Museum, History of the Museum, Attractions of the Museum, Visiting hours in the Museum.

Location of Jaisalmer Folklore Museum:

This Museum is located on the banks of the Gadsisar Lake in Mehar Bagh Garden on the outskirts of Jaisalmer City, District Jaisalmer, Rajasthan.

History of Jaisalmer Folklore Museum:

It was established in the year 1984 by N.K. Sharma with the purpose of highlighting the rich cultural heritage of Rajsathan and particularly of Jaisalmer.

Attractions of Jaisalmer Folklore Museum:

The Museum has been divided into 6 sections : The paintings section, the costumes sections, the Jewelery section, the photographs section, the fossils section and the camel and horse ornaments section. It has a rich collection of Art, Souvenirs and Artifacts, Paintings, Portraits, rare Ornaments, Wooden Statues, Musical instruments, Old Coins, Post Cards, Manuscripts and Traditional Everyday items.

Visiting Hours in the Museum:

It remains open on all days from 8.00 A.M. to 6.00 P.M. and an entry fee of Rs. 5 per person is charged.

Image - Jaisalmer Folklore Museum

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Jaisalmer Folklore Museum