Kalibangan Archaeological Museum

Location of Kalibangan Archaeological Museum, History of the Museum, Attractions of the Museum, Visiting hours in the Museum.

Location of Kalibangan Archaeological Museum:

This Archaeological Museum is situated at a distance of 5 Km from Pilibanga Railway Station in Kalibanga town which is located on the Southern Banks of River Ghaggar in Tehsil Pilibanga, District Hanumangarh, Rajasthan.

History of Kalibangan Archaeological Museum:

It was established in the year 1983 to house the material excavated from Kalibangan Archaeological Site between 1961-69.

Attractions of Kalibangan Archaeological Museum:

It has three galleries, with one gallery displaying Pre-Harappan finds, while the other two exhibit Harappan artifacts. The displayed material in the galleries include Harappan Seals, bangles, terracotta figurines, terracotta objects, stone balls, grinders, bricks and the six fabric pottery repetoire from A to E of Pre-Harappan level of Kalibangan. The pictures of the various exposed structures during different excavations have also been displayed.

Visiting Hours in the Museum:

It remains open from 9.00 A.M. to 5.00 P.M. on all days except Fridays.

Image - Kalibangan Archaeological Museum

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Kalibangan Archaeological Museum