Damoye Waterfall

Location of Damoye Waterfall, Attractions of Damoye Waterfall.

Location of the Waterfall:

This Waterfall is located at a distance of 35 Km from Bari town in Sarmathura region, District Dholpur, Rajasthan.

Attractions of the Waterfall:

It is normally visible during Monsoons from July to Mid-September. It also has dense green forest range with wild animals.

Damoh waterfall and the huge cave-like valley into which the water falls are an interesting testament to how beautifully water can carve into landscapes. The semi circular rock face, over which the waterfall is located is an exposed wavy textured pile of sedimentary rock.

The waterfall itself is formed by a stream of water, falling from a height of maybe 150ft. The water bursts into droplets of water, making for an exquisite site for the nature lovers.

Image - Damoye Waterfall

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Damoye Waterfall