Temple Shri Nagnechi Ji Mata

Location of Temple Shri Nagnechi Ji Mata, History of Temple Shri Nagnechi Ji Mata, Architecture of Temple Shri Nagnechi Ji Mata, Visiting hours in Temple Shri Nagnechi Ji Mata.

Location of Temple Shri Nagnechi Ji Mata:

This Temple is situated at a distance of 4 Km from Bikaner Railway Station towards Southeast of Bikaner City, on a mound, in the area called Pawanpuri South Extension, District Bikaner, Rajasthan.

History of Temple Shri Nagnechi Ji Mata:

It is dedicated to Nagnechi Mata, the Mahishasur Mardini Goddess Durga and the family Goddess of Rathore dynasty.

Rao Bika Ji (the founder and ruler of Bikaner between 1472-1504 A.D.) belonged to the royal family of Jodhpur. When he left Jodhpur to establish Bikaner, he brought with him 14 royal and sacred idols one of which was of Nagnechi Mata. So this Temple was built in the 16th Century A.D. by Rao Rai Singh (a ruler of Bikaner between 1574-1612 A.D.) to install the idol of the Goddess.

Architecture of the Temple:

This splendidly built Temple is situated on a high mound and looks like a citadel. It has a high Shikhar. The Sanctum Sanctorum and the portico are built of red stone of Dulmera, while the front gate of the Sanctum Sanctorum is made of white marble. The Shrines of Chamunda Mata and Lord Shiva are also situated here.

Visiting Hours in the Temple:

The Temple remains open on all days from 5.00 A.M. to 12.00 A.M. and 5.00 P.M. to 10.00 P.M.

Image - Temple Shri Nagnechi Ji Mata

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Temple Shri Nagnechi Ji Mata