Temple Shri Laxmi Nath Ji

Location of Temple Shri Laxmi Nath Ji, History of Temple Shri Laxmi Nath Ji, Architecture of Temple Shri Laxmi Nath Ji, Visiting hours in Temple Shri Laxmi Nath Ji.

Location of Temple Shri Laxmi Nath Ji:

This Temple is situated at a distance of 3 Km from Bikaner Railway station on the mount at the Centre of Bikaner City (the place where the City was first founded), District Bikaner, Rajasthan.

History of Temple Shri Laxmi Nath Ji:

This Temple is dedicated to Lord Laxminath Ji. It was built by Rao Lunakaran (1505-1526 A.D.), the ruler of Bikaner. Its construction was started in 1505 A.D. and it was completed in 1526 A.D. It is said that the rulers of Bikaner were devotees of Lord Laxminath Ji and they regarded Lord Laxminath Ji as the real King and considered themselves to be his ministers. These rulers ruled the Bikaner State as regents of Lord Laxminath Ji. So this Temple was built by them to enshrine Lord Laxminath Ji whose throne was installed there.

Architecture of the Temple:

The Temple is built of marble and red stone of Jaisalmer. It is famous for artistic architecture, splendid sculpture and beautiful colored pictures. A 1.5 feet high idol of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Laxmi in a state of embrace is installed on a square platform of stone inside the Sanctum Sanctorum.

Visiting Hours in the Temple:

The Temple remains open on all days from 5.00 A.M. to 1.00 P.M. and 5.00 P.M. to 11.00 P.M.

Image - Temple Shri Laxmi Nath Ji

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Temple Shri Laxmi Nath Ji