Temple Shri Bhairu Ji

Location of Temple Shri Bhairu Ji, History of Temple Shri Bhairu Ji, Architecture of Temple Shri Bhairu Ji, Visiting hours in Temple Shri Bhairu Ji.

Location of Temple Shri Bhairu Ji:

This Temple is situated at a distance of 15 Km from Shri Doongargarh Railway Station in town Toliyasar, District Bikaner, Rajasthan.

History of the Temple:

It is dedicated to Shri Bhairon Ji, a deity worshiped by all the people of the Rajasthan State and whose Temple is found in all the Goddess Durga Temples. It is believed that Shri Bhairon Ji provides instantaneous help to the devotees and averts all the misfortunes and difficulties.

It is said that a priest named Brij Raj Ji was instructed by Shri Bhairon Ji in his dreams to construct a Temple for him. So this Temple was constructed in 1876 A.D. by Shri Brij Raj Ji.

Architecture of the Temple:

It is built of bricks, lime stone and cement. It has a round Shikhar like a tomb. The walls of the Parikarma, Sabha Mandap and Prayer Hall have beautiful pictures drawn on them. The 2 feet high black stone idol of Bhairon Ji seated on a dog is installed in the Sanctum Sanctorum. Another 2.3 feet high old statue is in the rock.

Visiting Hours in the Temple:

The Temple remains open on all days from 5.00 A.M. to 10.00 P.M.

Image - Temple Shri Bhairu Ji

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Temple Shri Bhairu Ji