Temple Shri Laxman Ji

Location of Temple Shri Laxman Ji, History of Temple Shri Laxman Ji, Architecture of Temple Shri Laxman Ji, Visiting hours in Temple Shri Laxman Ji.

Location of Temple Shri Laxman Ji:

This Temple is situated at a distance of 2 Km from Bharatpur Railway Station in the heart of Bharatpur City, District Bharatpur, Rajasthan.

History of the Temple:

It is dedicated to Shri Laxman Ji (brother of Lord Rama Ji in Ramayana Period) and Mata Urmila Ji. It so happened that Raja Baldev Singh, a Jat ruler of Bharatpur came in contact with a Sage named Shri Sant Dass who was a great devotee of Laxman Ji. Raja laid the foundation of the Temple and declared his son Balwant Singh as his successor. So the Temple was built during the reign of Raja Balwant Singh (1826-53 A.D.).

Architecture of the Temple:

It is built of Bansi Pahadpur stone of almond colour. It is ornamented with relief features, floral patterns and birds. The variety of sculptural work and architecture of the Temple are unique. The ceiling of the Temple is also a remarkable creation of sculpture. The Sanctum Sanctorum has idols of Shri Laxman Ji and Mata Urmila Ji and small idols of Lord Rama, Bharat Ji, Shatrughan Ji and Hanuman Ji. All the idols are made of Ashtadhatu.

Visiting Hours in the Temple:

The Temple remains open on all Days from 5.00 A.M. to 10.00 P.M.

Image - Temple Shri Laxman Ji

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Temple Shri Laxman Ji