Government Museum Bharatpur

Location of Government Museum Bharatpur, History of Government Museum Bharatpur, Architecture of Government Museum Bharatpur, Visiting hours in Government Museum Bharatpur.

Location of Government Museum Bharatpur:

This Museum is located at a distance of 4 Km from Bharatpur Railway Station and Main Bus Stand inside Lohagarh Fort in Bharatpur City, District Bharatpur, Rajasthan.

History of the Museum:

It is located at the center of the Fort in the Kachahri Kalan and Kamara Khas buildings of the Fort. The Sculptures and other antique objects collected from various parts of the region were housed in Kachahri Kalan in 1944. The Museum was opened to public on 11 Nov, 1944. Later on Kamara Khas building was made part of the Museum.

Architecture of the Museum:

It has rare collection of Sculptures, Coins, Inscriptions, arms and weapons and decorative art objects. It houses more than 4000 antiquities. The most prized possession of the Museum are the 10th Century carvings of Lord Ganesha, Lord Shiva as Nataraja and 2nd Century Shivalinga made of red sandstone.

The entire collection of the Museum includes 581 Stone Sculptures, 10 inscriptions, 120 Terracottas, 13 Metallic Objects, 670 Coins, 1966 Weapons, 196 Miniature Paintings and 861 local Art and Crafts.

Visiting Hours in the Museum:

The Museum remains open from 9.45 A.M. to 5.15 P.M. on all Days except Mondays.

Image - Government Museum Bharatpur

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Government Museum Bharatpur