Kiradu Temples

Location of Kiradu Temples, History of Kiradu Temples, Architecture of Kiradu Temples, Visiting hours in the Temples.

Location of Kiradu Temples:

These ancient Temples are situated at a distance of 35 Km from Barmer City at the foot of a hill near Village Hathma.

History of Kiradu Temples:

It is a group of five Temples, one dedicated to Lord Vishnu and the other four dedicated to Lord Shiva.

An inscription found here dating back to 1161 A.D. describes that the place was once called Kiratkoop and had once been the capital of the Punwara dynasty rulers. The rulers of Punwara dynasty were the feudal subordinates of the Chalukyas of Gujarat in the early period. Hence, these Temples show the influence of the Solanki style of architecture which originated in Gujarat.

Architecture of Kiradu Temples:

These Temples are famous for the impressive sculptures and are important from the archaeological point of view.
The most remarkable and the biggest of these Temples is the Someshvara Temple dedicated to Lord Shiva. It has a multi-turreted pinnacle and beautiful sculptures dedicated to Lord Shiva. The Sanctum Sanctorum has a beautiful idol of Lord Shiva. A large reverse-curve lotus, which is commonly seen in the ancient Chola Temples of South India, is at its base. The Temple is further adorned with scenes from Epic Ramayana and sculptures of Apsaras (the mythical dancing girls of heavens).

Visiting Hours in the Temples:

These Temples are located in restricted area, so the visitors of foreign Nationality are required to obtain prior permission from the District Collector, Barmer at Phone No: 02982-220003.

Image - Kiradu Temples

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Kiradu Temples