Ramgarh Bhand-devra Temple

Location of Ramgarh Bhand-devra Temple, History of Ramgarh Bhand-devra Temple, Architecture of Ramgarh Bhand-devra Temple, Visiting hours in Bhand-devra Temple.

Location of Bhand-devra Temple:

This Temple is situated at a distance of 40 Km from Baran City on the top of Ramgarh hill and on the bank of a pond in town Ramgarh, District Baran, Rajasthan.

History of Bhand-devra Temple:

This Temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva. It was built in the 10th Century A.D.

Architecture of Bhand-devra Temple:

The design of this Temple is based on Khujraho style of architecture. It is known as Rajasthan’s mini Khujraho. The Temple is named as Bhanddeora due to the Maithun Statues.

Visiting Hours in Bhand-devra Temple:

The Temple is now preserved by the State Archaeological Department.

Image - Ramgarh Bhand-devra Temple

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Ramgarh Bhand-devra Temple